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The Gospel In Spanish
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As you know, gospel study classes in the Church usually follow a discussion format where class members are invited to ask questions, express opinions and share experiences. In your first class you may be content to just listen, trying to understand. Listen to the expressions members use to present a point and focus on the key words that are being used in the discussion. Soon you will realize that you can contribute in the class and may even be asked to make comments. Take your scriptures in Spanish with you and look scriptures up as they are cited. You may want to read something to make a point, and reading the scripture gives you the words you need. People will be eager to hear your comments, even if your Spanish is imperfect. Once you have broken the ice, you will feel more comfortable about presenting your thoughts and ideas, and you will be accepted much quicker than if you just sit passively without saying anything. Unfortunately silence and non-participation are often interpreted as unfriendliness.

Where you sit is important. Although there is a temptation to do so, don’t sit in the back of the class. Make it a habit to sit in the front where you can clearly hear both the teacher and the other class members. Sit next to someone, smile at them, offer to share your scriptures with them if they didn’t bring theirs. Remember that you are with brothers and sisters in the Gospel, and you want to become an active member of the class. If you know what the lesson is going to be about, read the manual and the scriptures ahead of time and be prepared. Study the following phrases and expressions, practice using them, and commit yourself to make at least one comment in every class you attend.



Hermano/a _____, ¿quisiera usted leer en el capítulo _____ de _____ , versículo _____?

Brother/sister _____, would you like to read from chapter _____ of _____, verse _____?

Para usted, ¿qué significa esta escritura?

What does this scripture mean to you?

Hermano/a _____, ¿por qué hemos venido al mundo?

Brother/sister _____, why have we come to the world?

¿Cuál es el propósito de la Santa Cena?

What is the purpose of the Sacrament?

¿Quién puede recitarnos el noveno artículo de fe?

Who can recite the ninth article of faith?

¿Están ustedes de acuerdo con lo que dijo el/la hermano/a _____?

Are you in agreement with what brother/sister _____ said?

¿Qué dice esta escritura de la vida eterna?

What does this scripture say about eternal life?

¿Qué son los diezmos? ¿Quién los debe pagar?

What is tithing? Who should pay it?

¿Cree usted que todos nosotros resucitaremos?

Do you believe that all of us will be resurrected?

¿Cómo podemos poner este concepto en práctica en nuestras vidas?

How can we put this concept in practice in our lives?

¿Qué piensa(n), usted(es) de _____?

What do you think about _____?

¿Cuál es su opinión, hermano/a _____?

What is your opinion, brother/sister _____?

¿Cómo se siente uno cuando…

How does one feel when…

…paga los diezmos?

…he/she pays tithing?

…ayuda a otros?

…he/she helps others?

…quiebra un mandamiento?

…he/she breaks a commandment?

¿Qué quiere el Señor que hagamos?

What does the Lord want us to do?

¿Por qué quiere el Señor que hagamos _____?

Why does the Lord want us to do _____?

¿Qué le(s) parece _____?

What do you think of _____?

¿Cuáles son…

What are…

…las consecuencias del pecado?

…the consequences of sin?

…los pasos del arrepentimiento?

…the steps to repentance?

…las características de _____?

…the characteristics of _____?

…los primeros principios del evangelio?

… first principles of the gospel?

¿Quién tiene la autoridad para…

Who has the authority to…



…dirigir la Iglesia?

…direct the Church?



¿Cómo podemos…

How can we…

…obtener el espíritu?

…get the spirit?

…lograr estas metas?

…reach these goals?

…obtener el perdón?

…obtain forgiveness?

…ganar la vida eterna?

…gain eternal life?

¿Alguien tiene una pregunta?

Does anyone have a question?

¿Hay preguntas?

Are there any questions?





No lo sé.    No estoy seguro/a.

I don’t know.    I’m not sure.

Yo creo que ……… Me parece que ………

I think that ……… It seems to me that ………

Hermano/a, ¿dijo usted que .………?

Brother/sister, did you say that .………?

¿No sería mejor decir ………?

Wouldn’t it be better to say ………?

En mi opinión, es mejor ………

In my opinion, it is better ………

No me acuerdo bien, pero .………

I don’t remember very well, but .………

En su libro, Doctrina Mormona, el Élder Bruce R. McConkie dice que ………

In his book, Mormon Doctrine, Elder Bruce R. McConkie says that ………

En Doctrina y Convenios, sección _____, versículo _____, dice que .………

In Doctrine and Covenants, section _____, verse _____, it says that .………

Me gustaría relatarles algo que me pasó cuando ………

I would like to tell you something that happened to me when .………

No me acuerdo…

I don’t remember…

…quién lo dijo, pero, ………

…who said it, but ………

…dónde lo leí, pero ………

…where I read it, but ………

Dicen las escrituras que ………

The scriptures say that ………

Se nos ha dicho que ………

We have been told that ………

¿Puede repetir…

Can you repeat…

…la pregunta?

…the question?

…la escritura?

…the scripture?

¿Cómo? No entiendo la pregunta.

Pardon? I don’t understand the question.

Es importante recordar que ……

It’s important to remember that ……

Se puede (debe)…

One can (should)…



…leer las escrituras.

…read the scriptures.

…asistir a las reuniones.

…attend the meetings.

…vivir los mandamientos.

…live the commandments.

…seguir los consejos de las autoridades generales.

…follow the counsel of the general authorities.

En mi…

In my…







Tengo una pregunta.

I have a question.